2007 – Peta Hunt

Sun Shines on Hunt

Peta Hunt experienced the best second third fourth fifth greatest day of his life as he became the 9th different player to win the Johnny Woodpecker in a thrilling finish at Mangahwai Heads.

Hunt, widely regarded as the greatest player to have played on the Fraser Moors Tidy finally managed to lose his tag as the greatest golfer never to win a Johnny Woodpecker. His win also ended any suggestion that JWMGC odds are stacked against the good golfers. Emerging from a field of average talent, Hunt made a decisive move on day two of JWMGC. The lead was grabbed early on and the dapper lawyer seized his opportunity.

“This is the best day of my life” the low handicapper spewed out as the festivities got into full swing. Hunt was quick to realise these words represented a mulligan and to make amends he duly announced JWMGC 2008 would be in Taupo.

Quickly realising this was the second clanger of his short reign at the top, Peta Hunt took counsel from his fellow Falcons and promptly relocated the next championship to the resort town of the lower North Island – that’s right “Balmy Palmy”.

And so, there ended the whinging from all the truly handicapped and made all players realise the JWMGC X is wide open.


Weak Breaks Record

In a tournament that may become one of the greats, Swans star John Weak smashed a nine year old tournament record with a stunning opening round of 75. John Weak (otherwise known as Tweety from the tattoo on his belly) was in irresistible form at Langs Beach and said that playing alongside team captain and idol, unemployed Dump Truck driver Yawn Morsely made all the difference.

Falcons star Danny Lee also showed why he is now the greatest player never to win a Woodpecker equaling the nine year old record of 78 with a brilliant opening round only to see it broken with John Weak’s effort.


Day 2 – Mangawhai

The final four – Weak tries to work Hunt’s head on the way down first. Hunt gets birdie. Weak near miss dribbles 50 metres, Lee drive of the day straight down the middle and Johnson solid. Weak starts mind games with new name for Johnson and repeats it three times every hole.

Hunt makes par – Weak puts ball into stream and makes six. Hunt leads the Woodpecker for the first time in his career and takes advantage of the ‘alcohol only’ rule to have a nerve calming lager.

Lee still hitting solid 150 metre drives and now moves into 2nd, Johnson solid, Weak seeing a lot of the course, and starts on the Pinot Gris. Weak drains 40 foot snaking putt for par – sobering up – confidence coming back. Hunt Johnson and Lee now on the Pinot Gris too. Johnson solid – Lee misses easy two footer.

Johnson hits the lead. Weak masks how he feels about leading with 9 to play, has he been there before, where will he hold tourney …. Johnson tells Weak he does not like his new silly name. His game starts to fade.

Weak watches next tee and sees Ali shank another drive and dribble the approaching iron into the rough (Ali was the only player not to take a buggy on the day) – Ali’s obvious depression lifts Weak, and the swing starts to come back. Par, Par, Birdie, Par and the difference is back to 2, Holes getting too long for Lee on back nine taking 3 or 4 to get to green – starts to fade away…

Weak takes the long drive award with a gem off the tee whilst Hunt starts to feel the heat and shoots a 7. Weak drains 7 footer to keep his hopes alive – Hunt starting to back chat – working the reverse psychology on both John Weak and Lee

Hole 17 – the defining hole


All still in with chance. The banter has stopped. Tension high. Johnson and Ferg miss the green and are gone. Weak puts four iron onto the of the green, Hunt is long – Weak has 2 putt to take it to 18 – Weak slips 2nd putt by the hole and the 2007 champ is crowned.