The Hawx Secret Revealed

    • How did the Hawx manage their first ever win after years of being losers?
    • What did David Ogilivy have to do with their new brand name?
    • How could one man use brand awareness to achieve enormous success with hillbillies?
    • How did Frazr Poland get so far with so little?

The truth has NOTHING to do with all of the above . .


Let’s go back in time to 2013. March 17 2013.

The day the Hawx changed everything – thanks to a cunning plan hatched by Alaine Hunks that would see the Hawx go from zeroes to heroes. With the help of Spruce Lawn he convinced the tournament organiser to split the tournament transportation into mini vans that would enable each team to travel in their very own mini van.


Hunks had found out that the first days play was to be held at Karori golf course and now with their very own transport, he had figured that they could go un-noticed for up to 15 minutes before tee off.

Team coach and mentor Dave “we can only win if we cheat” Henry was against the plan right from the start but was soon convinced otherwise when Hunks told him where they were really going.


They were going to Makara to visit the beautiful Aleen for a round of serious fun lovin hawkabilly good times.
